Configuring GrowthBook with Vercel

This guide assumes that you already have a Vercel account and have at least one Vercel project

This integration creates GrowthBook API keys and creates matching keys as Environment Variables in Vercel (for use with any of our SDKs).

Keys created

GROWTHBOOK_KEY: This key will be used with the SDK of your choice.

1. Navigate to the GrowthBook Vercel integration

2. Click on the "Add Integration" button

Located in the upper right corner of the page, click on the "Add Integration" button.

Add Mixpanel service account specifics

3. Choose which account you want to use for the integration

The account selected will determine which projects are shown in the next step.

Add Mixpanel service account specifics

4. Choose which projects you want GrowthBook to be enabled for

Add Mixpanel service account specifics

5. Setup your environments

GROWTHBOOK_KEY will be added as an environment variable to your project. Configure each Vercel environment to map to its correct GrowthBook environment. For example, if you are using "production" for your Vercel environment you will most likely want to set your GrowthBook Environment to "production".

Note: If you leave a GrowthBook environment as None, neither GrowthBook nor Vercel keys will be created for that environment.

Add Mixpanel service account specifics

By clicking "Submit" both sets of keys will be created for all of your environments.

6. Integration configuration

You will then be taken to the integration page. From here you can click on "Configure" in the top right corner to view the created keys.

Add Mixpanel service account specifics

You can also look at your keys from GrowthBook & Vercel:

GrowthBook Keys are located here
Vercel Keys are located in the "Environment Variables" section of your project settings.

7. Next steps

Configure an SDK with your project using the keys you just created. Click here to view our SDKs.